This Is One of Alex G’s Best Songs

alexgI’m a fan of Alex G, and I have been for some time…probably about the same time as the rest of the world heard about him.  But, after years of wading through his extensive Bandcamp page, I’m really happy this new tune has come to light.  It’s an old song, though just getting the light of day as a bonus track on his upcoming Trick album reissue.  This song exemplifies precisely why I found myself enjoying Alex’s work so much; it’s got this endearing quality that only comes with a careful intimacy established between musician and listener.  It reminds me of falling in love with Bright Eyes in 98, though I’ll admittedly say that Alex’s voice might be sweeter; there’s an innocence and sincerity in his work. This track’s been played everywhere lately, but why on Earth would one ignore such a jam.

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ATX Spotlight: Stream the New Knifight Album (+Album Release Gig)

KnifightSometimes I get mad at Austin’s Knifight.  I feel like they don’t give us enough shows to display their prowess; I’m not mad really, I just want to see them more often.  Perhaps that will change now that they’re releasing their newest effort, V.  You’ll still hear the band’s signature affinity for electronic touches, but I think there’s a huge leap in the overall construction of the tracks on this release.  They sound more mature, and the finer details have been given great care, making the group’s sound more well-rounded; it’s a lot more dense,in that great musical way (not like you Aunt’s pound cake). A powerful album to go with their dominating live shows should make these guys stick out in Austin in 2015.  Check em at Cheer Up Charlies tonight for their album release.

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Continuing Love Affair with The Black Ryder

blackPretty sure this is the umteenth time I’ve written about The Black Ryder, and if they release a single for every song on their new LP, then I’m going to write about it.  There are parts of the album that have this shimmering shoegaze, but there are other pieces that unleash this hazy beauty, like the track below. It’s a really drawn out track, sprawling with this floating melody for just over 4 minutes.  As if my love wasn’t enough, the band has been awarded the opening slot on some of the JAMC tour dates, so people are taking notice of the act.  Look for the Door Behind the Door on February 24th via the Anti-Machine Machine.


Download: The Black Ryder – Let Me Be Your Light [MP3]

Take a Listen to Alexei Shishkin

alexeiThis track from Alexei Shishkin got passed my way yesterday, and it took a second for the song to sink in, but once it got there, I couldn’t stop playing it.  It’s really chilled, with just a little bit of a warped sound coming off the careful guitar work.  Shishkin has somewhat of a spoken word delivery, but it’s got a smooth touch that really warms to the listeners ears. There’s also something quite familiar about that vocal, though I can’t quite put my finger on it.  He’ll be releasing his debut album, the dog tape, this April via Forged Artifacts.

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Show Review: The Dead Space @ Hotel Vegas (2/3)

Dead SpaceNathan and I were on double show duty. We started the evening at Red7 for Zola Jesus. We made notes, we shared them with Nicole, she didn’t entirely agree with what we had to say which we are OK with.

…and now for something completely different.

We made our way to Hotel Vegas for some jams to catch Beth Israel, Ghetto Ghouls and The Dead Space. Click past the break for a couple notes and plenty of pics…

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Something Different: Blossomer

awesomeblossomI’m all over the place musically today, so why not go down a whole different road? Blossomer, a band from the U.K. have their debut single, “Foreign Nature” available for your listening pleasure and it’s most likely a little different to you than your average electro pop song. This has to do essentially with the vocals, which are the soulful, yet almost solely falsetto. It’s an interesting twist to this genre, and hopefully you find yourself engrossed in the different kind of tune. “Foreign Nature” debuts officially on February 23rd and you can check out more about it here.

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ATH Curates SxSW Playlist: Replay

Red7Just in case you missed the news, or didn’t have time to live stream, you can now head to SXSWFM’s soundcloud page, and just stream the whole hour. It’s got lots of hits, though remember, these all had to be Official SXSW acts…just in case you thought I left out your best friend’s brother’s band. No need to say much more, just go stream it, and enjoy some Austin tunes.  Feel free to spread it to your friends that are coming in to town and might not know what’s what or which way is that way.

Embed for ease of use, but do try to check out other programming at SxSWFM…

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If It Ain’t Baroque(Pop) Don’t Fix It

0003486049_10 While I may have been waiting my whole life to make that pun, that doesn’t mean you get to gloss over the rest of this! Puns aside, the song that I’ve got for you at the bottom of this post is weird…orchestral, baroque, crawling, haunting. Weird, but good: Mirage is a band from L.A, but really you would think they were from the far distant past with “Angel.” This track comes off a fresh EP, Love Songs that just dropped yesterday via Mirage’s bandcamp page. I’m digging the strings and the shrieking vocals, and the rest of the EP offers you some other strange dream pop. Try it out, get weird.

Another John Andrews Project???

10917910_1546390345635934_9140520222875733572_oDid you like that Quilt record last year? I did. How about anything ever done by Woods? Me too. So let’s rejoice in the fact that John Andrews has opted to create another project, John Andrews & the Yawns.  Of course, the sound, as evidenced below, will have a bit of folk and Americana, but it’s good to see John step to the forefront for a change.  I’m enjoying some of the light touches of horns and strings that fill out the track. Bit By the Fang, the band’s album, will be release by the folks at Woodsist on April 14th.

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ATX Show Preview: Adam and the Cola Kids vs Ramesh (2.5)

RameshTONIGHT! Man. What to do? There’s two incredible shows going down, and it’s hard for me to pick just one; maybe I’ll just scramble back and forth between the two. Take your pick…classic indie pop or garage-influenced power pop…either way you’re going to win if you go out tonight.  So, you can hit up Holy Mountain for the softer side of things.  The Columnist, Charm Bracelet and Missions all open things up for Ramesh.  I love Ramesh, as a person and a performer; he manages a great stage presence that’s as inviting as it is exciting.  We even helped released his debut LP last year, so pick one up if your in attendance.  But, I also adore the work of Warm Soda and Those Howlings, who are opening for Adam and the Cola Kids at Hotel Vegas. Those Howlings will use this as a release to their new album. So pick a show, either show, but go out and have fun kids.

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