Fresh Music from Carter Tanton

ctThis Friday you will have to rush to the record store (or online if that’s your bag) to grab a copy of Carter Tanton‘s brand new album, Jettison the Valley. Fortunately, we have another single from the album to share with you today…it’s rumored to be Carter’s favorite track on the LP. Opening percussive moments stand in like a metronome, allowing for the lofty range of Tanton’s voice to soar high in the mix, setting the tone for the track. One of my favorite things about this song, and the album as a whole, is that while many singer/songwriters rest on the tradition of voice, guitar and minimal percussion, Carter’s filling in his songs, be it backing harmonies, slide guitar or atmospheric touches; it elevates the record far beyond the norm. Look for the record this Friday courtesy of Western Vinyl.

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