Vid Premiere: Noelle and the Deserters Share Watching Billboards Change

If you’re searching for modern country, you might not think to gravitate towards Sacramento, California, yet that’s what makes spending time with this new tune from Noelle & the Deserters so perfect: it feels like a home on a Texas porch just as much as it feels like California sunshine. You should feel drawn to the sliding guitar lines and the light strums that accompany singer Noelle Fiore’s sparkling vocals; those pipes filter in the sunshine through a Western swinging background. Lyrically, Fiore details the difficulty of finding ones’ self stuck in a cycle, yet putting your head down and getting on with it in hopes of finding your way. Feel free to travel with Noelle & the Deserters on High Desert Daydream, which comes out on May 31st via Speakeasy Studios SF.

Unwed Sailor Share Blue Tangier Single

Having just caught Mogwai play the other night, it seems fitting that I’m settling into my midweek with a fresh track from Oklahoma’s Unwed Sailor. Both bands have always operated in like territory, creating narratives within the realms of instrumental rock, much like this single below. At its start, it’s harrowing in a sense, synth notes washing over a thunderous riff, until the the lead guitar begins its journey. That journey sees a glimmer of light work its way into the track, telling a story of reaching out of the darkness to find comfort, which is where you are just after the 1 minute mark. Thundering noise sneaks in too, but it’s a reminder that there’s a natural ebb and flow to the tale coming through your speakers. If you’re into instrumental storytelling, you need look no further than Underwater Over There, out May 10th!

ATH Premiere: Magana Shares Break Free

If you’ve been going to shows the last few years, you’ve likely encountered Jeni Magana, who has been seen playing bass with both Lady Lamb and Mitski. But, for today, we bring you news of her new solo record under the Magana moniker, which I’m thinking will have her on your radar for the time being. Your ears are instantly met by a deep wash of synths, with Jeni entering the picture moments later, her voice falling like a soft rain atop the dream soundscape. Then you hit that 24 second mark and a thumping beat joins, intoxicatingly spinning you about as the track steadies itself on those falling vocal lines. When the guitar line shoots through with a solo, you’ll probably already be mesmerized, with the track’s pulse and vocals pulling you into the depths with their mantra-like feel. A powerful statement, so be on the lookout for Teeth, dropping March 25th via Audio Antihero/Colored Pencils.

Here’s an earlier single too!

Premiere: House of Heaven Share Deserve (ft. Ms Boan Mariana Saldana)

There’s absolutely nothing as cool at the moment as House of Heaven; the Oakland act is channeling darkly tinged dance music, and this time they get some help from former Austinite, Ms Boan Mariana Saldana. If you’re not intoxicated by the beat tripping over itself, running amok with these synth lines and thumping bass grooves, then please see your doctor immediately. When Mariana enters the fray, she coats the song in this Spanish sensuality, channeling a jilted lover as her vocals added this weighted sharpness that only adds to the cavernous feel of the track. In their craft, the band are drawn to dark corners, begging you to come with them so you can just indulge, and dance in the darkness of your own mind. Within/Without is sounding mighty tasty; it drops via Felte on April 26th.

ATH Premiere: 40th Parallel Share Cleaner Air Better World

When this new track from 40th Parallel popped in my box, I was really intrigued; there were bits of this style, little flurries of that brand…and yet when woven together, it sort of took on a life of its own. Opening up, the guitar line weaves its own tapestry, with light cymbals and a wash of keys, but then it opens up, teasing with a bombastic pop bounce that unfolds with snippets of jazz saxophone, leaving you with careful guitar pop that was born and raised in a smoky nightclub. And that’s only the first phase, as the vocals soon enter, yet even when they’re present, they feel a bit distant to a degree, pulling on the emotional vibe of the listener. Pushing on, the vocals burst, creating a traditional chorus feel that adds a dreamier realm just as the jazzier moments squeeze back into the picture. It’s a distinctive piece that has songwriter Jeremy Staude building his own musical brand!

Dez Dare Premieres 10000 Monkeys + An Argument with Time

Looking forward to what’s shaping up as a busy March, we’ve got our eyes on Brighton’s Dez Dare and his record, A Billion Goats. A Billion Sparks. Fin. An earlier single was sort of an electronic-induced version of that cliche of “going for a drive with the windows down;” it was a smash, and a reminder of the anomaly that is Dez Dare. Today, you get the more pensive piece, culling some heavy riffs into this almost spasming bit of electronic pop music. Could it be a game soundtrack? Possibly. Could it be Dare flirting with our need to be surrounded by walls of noise? Certainly. Those bursts are brief, an exorcism that quickly gets peeled to reveal clever beat-play. Then, it returns, the riffs jamming out and the vocals adding an emphatic kick to the percussion, stomping the song to a close. You can grab the new LP from God Unknown Records on March 1st.

Pleased to Meet You: Alluvial Nuggets Premiere Codeine

Those of you in the know will surely recognize James Dutton’s name as a member of both Flywheel and the Cannanes, but as of 2020, he’s been working on his new project, Alluvial Nuggets. We’re told there’s an album on the horizon, with our first sample coming via this film shot by James himself on an iPhone 7, much to the chagrin of his family. Musically, there’s something so calming about the delivery of Dutton’s vocals; they faintly remind me of Jeff Tweedy, particularly when the striking string arrangements bend around each syllable. Within the confines, you’ll find some joyful moments that will clearly resonate; I particularly love the monosyllabic hums that begin around the 1:33 mark. And, while things seem fairly melancholic, there’s a pronounced stomp and excursion in the tune’s latter half, perhaps hinting that we have no idea what we can expect when this whole record drops next year. What we do know is we’ll be listening thanks to Lost and Lonesome; they’ll keep us posted on the LP next year!

Wet Dip Release Rollercoaster Single, Announce Smell of Money

Please don’t let the soulful twenty seconds that greets you upon pressing play sway you on Austin’s Wet Dip. Because, as soon as you think you’ve pinned down pop, the start gun fires off and the group rushes out the door, spurred on by a frantic bassline and snapping bit of drum work; the rapidity creates this emotional anxiety as you’re barely able to keep up with the band. But, for a moment, they offer you respite, giving you a final warning of their tenacity, reminding you that the rollercoaster is about to speed off, so it’s best to follow safety precautions. As they push you towards the close, things begin to get erratic, guitars skittering here and there, cymbals crashing, hurtling us all towards an abrupt halt, fading back into a pop snuggle at the end. Smell of Money, their new LP is out on November 10th via Feel It Records.

Seablite Share Hit the Wall Video

Lemon Lights, the brand new LP from San Francisco’s Seablite, is out this Friday, and we’ve had it as one of our most-anticipated releases as we near the end of the musical year. Up until now, the group have offered their perfect blend of dreamy pop-gaze, though they’ve mostly been playing up the dark side, particularly with “Pot of Boiling Water.” All that to say, I think the new single offers a glimpse of the band in complete control of their vision, perhaps even bringing out some of their best tricks to guarantee they leave us with a standout LP. When I first heard it, it kind of reminds me of that sort of acid-house influence creeping into the dream/jangle realm of the current climate; it’s got this secret wash that keeps locked into a playful groove. Jenn Heard’s video plays up to that sensibility, throwing in some light-hearted magic to tie into the whimsical approach on the single. Lemon Lights is a must have; grab a copy from Mt. St. Mtn. on Friday!

Citric Dummies Share Fresh Single, Announce New LP

What better way to announce a brand new album than to drop a blistering open track that rips right through your speakers? Citric Dummies have done just that, along with a nice little nod towards fellow Minnesotans Husker Du in both the album art and the title, Zen and the Arcade of Beating Your Ass. While it be easy to place the trio in some punk sub-genre, they seem more intent on breaking all the rules of punk expectations. Sure, when the chorus hits, there’s a howl that falls somewhere between Ozzy and Danzig, though I almost feel like that’s playing more to a traditional metal audience than a punk one. That said, there’s fiery guitar solos ripping here and there, like some melodic skate-punk anthem that got drenched at the Gwar show; think Queens of the Stone Age with high levels of fun and low levels of asshole-ness. They drop Zen and the Arcade of Beating Your Ass on November 3rd via Feel It Records.

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