Throwback Rocker From Coaster

unnamedToday seems like a great day for some straight up rock music from Chicago based band Coaster. Their new track is called “Cool” and brings to mind some of indie rocks old school greats while mixing in some complex break downs and intricateguitar work. And damn those vocals at the end! Hopefully this will improve what might be a dreary Monday for most of us. Enjoy.

Coaster is dropping a new 7″ EP entitled Deuces on November 11th via Community Records& Sooper Records.

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Pop Number from Hollow Everdaze

holloweverdazeThought I knew all the hot bands hanging out in Australia, but Hollow Everdaze is a new one to me. I was taken by the vocals at first…they fall into that range that really pulls on my emotions. But, the string arrangements that are used to fill in the space have absolutely helped elevate this track; it creates a level of familiarity that’s led me into a state of adoration. This gem of a tune is set to appear on the band’s debut album, which is slated for release in early 2017; I’ll let you know as I get more.

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How Are You, Haunted Tiger

hauntedThe end of the year brings some trying times for us blogger types…you’ve got to really hunt for gems, and then work on those highly important arbitrary lists. So in my hunt, I came across this delightful tune from Haunted Tiger. It’s a relaxed bit of dark pop, almost in the vein of a modern spaghetti western. I think one of the facets of this track that make it so successful is it’s usage of patience…one can easily see how a track like this could be rushed in some fashion…an increase in tempo per se, but the restraint is spot on. The group are releasing a special Halloween tape via Burger Records, so head over there to grab it.

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Brand New Paul Cook and the Chronicles

paulcookWe’ve let Paul Cook and the Chronicles grace our pages quite frequently, as I’m of a huge fan of the songwriting. There’s a purity to his approach, sometimes wearing the influences of his heroes, but usually just relying upon his great knack to create sweet melodies. Here in Austin, the air just got cooler, the sun’s out and feel like a this tune is the perfect way to take you all into the weekend. It’s a carefree tune, with Paul’s vocals layered to maximize their ability to hook listeners. His new Until I Fall AsleepEP will be available on November 18th…and he promises more EPs to come in the next little while. But for now, happy Friday with this uplifting jam.

Video Premiere: Nick Allison Announces New EP

Austin has a history of great troubadours of the indie sort, and it looks like Nick Allison aims to make his mark as the next big name in the continuously growing list. Throughout the video we see Nick, clearly focused on not working, or rather on putting in the least effort into his employment opportunities. That might be a good thing, as the ringing guitar matched by his voice create the perfect blend for pop fans with a bit of punk attitude; I think my favorite bit has to be the vocal tone during the chorus. He’ll be releasing his Aint Tryna Go Downtown EP on November 4th via Super Secret Records.

Flower Girl Channel 90s College Rock

flowergirlIt seems that all good things circle back again, and much like 90s emo is returning, the college rock of the 90s is also getting some timely love, such as this new track from Flower Girl. I hear elements of the style that Pavement bred, but taking on a more youthful vibe; you can see that natural joy even in the band’s album art. This is the type of tune I loved hearing on the radio (now it’s been replaced by Sublime, still), so we’ve got to give it some love here. Look for the band’s new album, Tuck in Your Tie-Dye, to hit via Bufu Records on November 11th.

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Gimme 5: Slothrust

unnamed-1After the smashing success of my first Gimme 5 feature with ACL band Corbu, I decided to keep the idea churning with bands coming into Austin. An easy first choice for the idea was Brooklyn rockers Slothrust. The band was in town last night at The Parish, and though I couldn’t be in attendance, I hear the show was was like most Slothrust shows, bad ass. So prior to the show, I asked the band to pick 5 random songs that mean something to them or have inspired them in the past. No rules or limitations. Follow the jump to see what they came up with.

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New Hooton Tennis Club

hootenI really dig Hooton Tennis Club. They have this sound that reeks (in a good way) of classic pop sensibility, and when I listen to this new single, it’s so casual in its delivery that I’m hoping it doesn’t go overlooked. My ears hear remnants of late Brit-pop in the steady croon, with just enough hop swagger to remind the cool kids that this is what they should be listening to at the moment. Big Box of Chocolates, the group’s new record, hits today via Heavenly Recordings, so lend them your ears.

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ACL WE2 – Saturday in Photos

acl-we2-2060Saturday may not have been the strongest lineup, but it was awfully photogenic.

Slaves was a pure musical highlight for me; British punk rock from two individuals that believe in the songs and enjoy what they do. More on that after the break. JR JR was the surprise set of the day, far more fun than I imagined it would be, shiny things. Saint Motel has left the ATH behind, now a solid fest headliner after we spring-boarded the band with a Stubb’s Inside booking, sarcasm. Andra Day is terribly talented, but not my jam. LL Cool J was the throwback performance we deserved. The Naked and Famous used black and white outfits and high energy from the crowd to fill a memory card. #jumpshot Blue Healer won the day for the locals, strong set getting the crowd to stop and listen. Two Door Cinema Club put down the best festival set, admitting the crowd, in spite of how favorably they responded to the new songs, wanted bangers. Finally, I finished with a little Connor Oberst before heading out.

Read on past the break and then look at the pretty pictures.

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Psych-Pop Gem From Foreign/National

14708144_951634728297574_3054686479470239070_nWe’vebeen watching out for anything new that Australia’s Foreign/Nationalhas been putting out now for a few years, so I’m stoked to share that the band is getting ready to release their debut full-length in the near future and they’ve given us a track to jam to in the meantime. “Too Sentimental,” is a golden tune–very detailed musically, but also a perfect pop song that you can listen to over and over again. I’m digging the twee sounds that open the song and the way the vocals simmer low in the mix along with the percussion, but then move to the spotlight for the chorus. It’s a great song and you should take a listen below and then jump on the Foreign/National train before it leaves the station.

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