Flavorsound Productions Class of 2016 Premiere

flavorsavorThe last few years in Austin have seemed like a downer, everyone worrying about how the music scene here is dying. Well, I know it’s troublesome, but that’s not an Austin-centric issue. So let’s look on the bright side with Flavorsound Productions releasing a compilation of theClass of 2016. These are all acts that either got their start in 2016; you can tell by listening that while things are tough for the artists, there’s still an abundance of talented acts everywhere you look. We even have a hand in releasing a few of these acts, like Plantation Band and Mean Jolene (coming soon). Stream the whole compilation below, and see what Austin is really all about.

They’ll have a tape release of the compilation on August 12th over at Barracuda, so be on hand to get yours.

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