Expensive Music Band Share RNR Cliche

Those in the Aussie scene surely know of Troon Lienard, an outsider pop artists for some time, but for those not hip to his work, we’re bringing new of fresh tunes from Expensive Music Band to you all today. Troon’s joined by a who’s who of the underground scene overseas, fleshing out the core of this tune with this insatiable little bob and weave. As many things Troon’s been spinning, there’s a wry sense of humor, with this song taking aim at the trope of the glamorous rock n’ roll lifestyles (nee RNR). Take that DIY ethos, a fashionable sense of pop, then throw it in with a pinch of quirkiness and a heady groove, and you’ve got the hit below…all courtesy of Permanent Slump/Exclusive Culture.

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