Jahnah Camille Drops Poppy New Single

Birmingham certainly isn’t the first place that comes to mind when thinking about dreamy, alt pop tunes, but Jahnah Camille hopes to alter your mindset with new single “what do you do?” The track features those elements along with some faint hints of alt-rock and late 90s post-grunge in there somewhere as well. It is sure to make a home in your ear holes today.

This track is part of a new EP entitled My sunny oath! which is due out June 13th via Winspear. Pre-orders are live now.

Weekly Roundup & Rundown

Pardon our dust. As you might have guessed, the ATH crew has been taking the week to sort of refocus and chill as we try to recover from that thing going down next week. I’m sure many of you have thoughts on the news for next year, as do we, but we’ll save that for another day. For now, here’s a quick rundown from a slew of great new tunes we’ve missed so far this week. Seems like a wealth of bands were holding on to some bangin’ new tracks for this week. Hit the jump for a rundown with new recommendations for the week.

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About Last Night – SXSW Thursday

We are still standing and still ready to rock. Most of us had a long one yesterday and into the evening, so yeah we saw a ton of bands on Thursday. We were mostly split up, all over town, and maybe hit a high note for the amount of unique bands our team saw during one day. It was a big one and we of course have some thoughts about what went down. After the jump, you can find our top bands of the day along with thoughts and of course, fancy photos.

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About Last Night – SXSW Wednesday

Yesterday was a long one folks, and felt like the first REAL day for SXSW to get going with all the crew out and about covering whatnot. We covered a lot of ground, mostly around Red River and on the east side, and of course we have some thoughts to share this morning. For any haters out there, go out and give it a shot, bands are still playing, hungry, and put on some great sets. If you’re out and about, some say hi to the crew and we’ll buy you a drink or give ya s sticker. After the jump we have some thoughts, photos and various other hot things.

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About Last Night – SXSW (Saturday-Tuesday)

As you may have heard, SXSW kicked off this past weekend with some great local shows, especially our lil shindig over at Hotel Vegas with SOTO. Things continued into the early part of the week with most of us venturing out all over town to catch some bands before Austin gets truly wild closer to next weekend. We some bands, we took some photos, and as always, we have things to say. After the jump, you can check out some of our band highlights so far, along with fancy photos from our crew. Hit it.

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SXSW Interviews 2025 – Hachiku

Maybe you thought we were done previewing bands for SXSW this week? Well maybe you thought wrong! We were not quite finished with all of our previews and have one more for you today coming from Australian based upstarts Hachiku. These are some great and thoughtful responses, and we super appreciate these and all of the responses we’ve received so far. See ya out there! Hit the jump for interview from Hachiku along with tunes and set times.

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SXSW Interviews 2025 – Delivery

It is upon us and here people. SXSW music officially kicks off TODAY and while most of the ATH staff is stuck at work, you should be out and about or at least prepping for the week ahead. We are super pumped today to finish off our preview interview series with possibly our favorite band coming in to town this week, Australian buddies Delivery. They smashed it out of the park with these responses and we hope you’ll enjoy them as much as we did. Full responses along with set times and music can be found after the jump.

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Premiere: Smug Brothers Share New Single

Just because we are out here prepping for that thing going down next week, doesn’t mean the world of new music plans to stop for us. My jam(s) of the day comes by way of Columbus based outfit Smug Brothers and their new single “Take It Out On Me” with accompanying B-side “Constellation of Eight.” Both tracks offer a very throwback, DIY, sort of garage meets indie sound akin to something you might hear in the late 90s Sub Pop scene. Get your dancin’ shoes on for the A-side and then stick around for the B-side to be serenaded away.

These tracks are part of the new Smug Brothers album Stuck On Beta, which is due out on June 6th via Anyway Records.

ATH x SXSW 2025 – A Playlist

I’ll keep this simple. SXSW music kicks off this weekend with our annual ATH vs SOTO party at Hotel Vegas on Sunday, and then things ramp up to 100 starting on Monday. As usual, it should be a wild and fun time for the team and we hope to see some of you out there. Many of you mentioned the daunting task of wading through all the bands coming to town, so I sat down, combed the entire list, and built out a playlist for you to peruse and hopefully make things easier. If you hear something you like, seek it out. Something you don’t like it? Skip it and on to the next one. See ya’ll out there.

SXSW Interviews 2025: Last Waltzon

As we continue to churn out some of these SXSW getting to know you pieces, I am finding a lot to look forward to next week when the music lineup really shows up in Austin. If you’re one of those still holding on to the old Austin narrative, why not venture out and see one of the hundreds of amazing bands coming to town? One such band we’d recommend is Montreal based outfit Last Waltzon, who were kind enough to answer our interview questions. You can find full responses, show dates, and tunes after the jump.

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