• Rock n’ Recipes: Blood

    If you haven’t been following our site over the last few months, you might have missed all the great singles that Blood dropped before releasing their excellent Loving You Backwards

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  • Rock N’ Recipes: Chime School

    After an excellent debut LP, Andy Pastalaniec’s Chime School are returning this summer with what many already consider an album of the year contender, particularly in the indiepop circles. We’ve

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  • Rock N’ Recipes: R.E. Seraphin

    As we continue our Rock n’ Recipes feature, we wanted to reach out to our old friend R.E. Seraphin, who has connections all the way to one of the earliest

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  • Rock n’ Recipes: Outer World

    Hopefully you took our suggestion last week when we encouraged you to give a listen to Who Does the Music Love, the debut LP from Outer World. Members of the

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  • ATH Top Songs – 2023

    Well, we did it folks. We made it through another year. Your ATH crew was busy as ever, posting well over 1,000 songs this year(!!!), sharing album reviews, and covering

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Lofi Legs Share Chain Video

I’ve only just gotten hold of this new track from Lofi Legs, and already, I can’t stop pressing play, as it feels like the perfect intersection of everything I’ve been rocking to lately. There’s a bit of wayward pop akin to TV Personalities, but there’s also a tightness, bringing back some almost Beatles-esque pop moments to the front. All that, but it also doesn’t stray away from noise, so you get all of your bits and pieces of the great indie rock sounds in one little pop gem. The San Fran project will drop Bag of Spells on October 25th, just in time to haunt our listening rotation!

World Brain Offer Ville Fleurie

German outfit World Brain recently caught my attention with their “Minute Papillon” single, but now there’s another urban pop tune to captivate you early this morning. Put yourself in the mindset of a traveler or urbanite walking through the city, images and buildings flash by, like the soft beats that provide you with the tempo for your walk. But, you turn a corner and your face lights up, just as you see a grand field or park, offering up a cheerful vision that matches the twist in the track. Those of you willing to indulge in some jazz-inflected pop, well, you’re not going to find too many folks doing it better. Open Source will be out on November 1st.

Innocence Mission Share Midwinter Swimmers

One of the great things about the Innocence Mission is that there’s probably never a bad time for a new single to sprout up; they could have just dropped some random B-side from years past and I’d be circling back to play it over and over again. Luckily, this tune comes with the LP just a few weeks away, and I can’t help but be swept away. Karen’s voice, as per usual, draws me deep within the song’s depth; it’s whimsical magic captivates consistently. But, this song excels in its details. There are moments when the song borders on getting noisy, adding just enough to texture to bulk up the tune, though never overbearingly so. Then, twice, the song offers up this forlorn guitar line that sucks me in like a tractor beam; your first notice is at the 1:04 mark, and I live for that moment every time I press play. Midwinter Swimmers arrives on Novemer 29th via Therese Records/Bella Union.

Premiere: Sunnsetter Shares Yet Another Jam

Man if Andrew McLeod isn’t just killing it this year with his stunning new solo work under the recording moniker Sunnsetter. Back in April, the Canadian songwriter shared what may be in my Top 10 by the time the year ends with his track “I Actually Don’t Wanna Die.” Since then, new tracks have come in, album previews have been sent, and I can tell you that the new album will truly be something to behold. Prior to the release of Heaven Hang Over Me next month, McLeod has dropped this beauty called “I Feel Everything” found below. This album is packed with so many emotive moments just like this one, and I can’t wait for the masses to get ahold of it.

The aforementioned new Sunnsetter album, Heaven Hang Over Me, is due out on November 15th via Paper Bag Records. Pre-orders are of course live now.

New Ducks Ltd Single

I didn’t set out to include two lyric video pieces in my day, but when the gods ask for it, so it must be. All this to say, we’ve got our second lyric video today, this time around it comes from Ducks Ltd, who honestly sound like they’ve returned to their most infectious moments from their earliest days. The speed of the drum work on this tune is furious, with the jangling guitar lines struggling to keep pace. While that rush of speed hits you, the vocals hang just behind the beat, sort of billowing behind in the trails of the musical element. It’s a fun spritely pop jam, and I’m all here for it. Courtesy of Carpark.

Alpaca Sports Share Tribute to Soren Borjesson, Autograph

We only recently learned that Alpaca Sports would be back in the music making game. And, while I always appreciate their work, this new single comes with a bit of sadness, as the tune was hurried out to the world as a tribute to the Soren Borjesson, the Swedish football player whom the song adores. It’s a light number, almost lounge-oriented indiepop, playing with Andreas voice working over the lightest bit of synthetic ambiance and a strumming that seemingly disappears behind the percussive element. This song will appear on the new record, dropping in January via Elefant, but be on the lookout for another version on the horizon in November.

Bubblegum Lemonade Share To Leave Is to Die a Little

It’s a jangle out there folks, and what better way than to circle back and indulge your sweet-tooth with the hook-laden pop of Bubblegum Lemonade. On this new single, the jangling riffs are definitely in full-effect, but the playfulness that Laz always employs seems to come in the backing vocal style that cruises through this track; it provides the perfect accent to the major melodic hook, and only proves to me how much joy this group brings to the table. The tune even gets a little fleshed out vocal breakdown with Laz’s counterpart, adding yet another layer to his delectable craft. This song appears on Lawrence of Arabia, which comes out via Matinee Recordings on November 6th.

Wussy Share Sure as the Sun Single

Having a new Wussy single to share is a gift, especially when one considers what the band has been through. Through this, Chuck Cleaver is still trying to find solace in the world, such as this track. It’s an ode to trusting in the people around you, loved ones and friends, and maybe just neighbors; it’s about believing in them through mistakes and down times, “until they prove themselves unworthy.” All of this emotion is set to a dark folk march, rolling through the roads of America like an old Volkswagen commercial. This track appears on the group’s new LP, Cincinnati Ohio, which hits on November 15th via Shake It Records.

Greg Mendez Shares Alone Video

This is Greg Mendez‘s world, and we’re all just living in it, and gratefully so. Just recently he announced his singing to Dead Oceans, with plans of an EP and a Reissue of his S/T LP. Now, there’s a brand new single that completely breaks your heart, and there’s no way from avoiding it; you’re going to find yourself willingly driving head-on into this downpour of melodic emotion. Something about Greg’s voice just breaks you; you can hear it strain, while the strum of the strings reverberates in your speakers. That added vocal texture on the tune only deepens the appeal, making this new 7″ an absolute must have; it drops this Friday!

Fightmilk Share Yearning and Pining

I can tell that you need an enthusiastic rocker this morning, and what better way to go at it than introducing you to the latest single from Fightmilk. They tease you when you first press play, so just take a breath and enjoy the light strum and melodic vocal offering. Just before you hit the 30 second mark, the drums smash through your speakers and the tune runs right off the rails; the vocals take their melodic curl and turn it into more of a melodic growl, supported by a softer backing vocal. The way they set up their chorus hook is pretty special, allowing them to drive home their messaging in a perfect fashion. Just another solid effort that should put their new LP, No Souvenirs, on your radar; it drops via Fika Recordings on November 15th.

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