Friday Album Streams: Perennial, Kelley Stoltz, The Black Watch and More

It’s Bandcamp Friday, so you should ideally put your money where your mouth is, or where your support is…like going over to ATH Records and clearing out some of this stock for super cheap! Or, you can check out the records below that we’ve been enjoying and now encourage you to pick up. Despite all the issues with the current industry, even with what was once the home for independent artists, you can’t go wrong listening to the tunes below and grabbing a copy. There’s rock, pop and even bands from Lockhart!


PerennialArt History (Ernest Jenning Record Co)

The Black WatchWeird Rooms (Atom Records)

June JonesProximity EP (Chapter Music)

Kelley StoltzLa Fleur (Dandy Boy Records)

Good LooksLived Here for a While (Keeled Scales)

The Wesleys Share A Lot to Lose + Drop Debut LP

If you’re looking for the perfect album to walk into Spring, might we suggest you put this debut LP from the Wesley‘s in your listening rotation? As a whole, the record’s pretty diverse; it’s like trying to decide between a path of Elephant 6 to your left or Dirtnap Records to your right, but the Wesleys said fuck it, we’ll play our own road. On the single below, they are definitely playing more towards the pastoral folk pop stylings, maybe even flirting with acts like Woods. The vocal harmonies hang perfectly in the air, and you get hints of groovy Aussie pop too with the way the acoustic guitar gets picked carefully atop that bobbing bass walk. The song’s within The Wesleys are the perfect blend between sharp power and melodic folk tendencies, leaving you with the perfect gateway into the changing of the seasons. Full album releases tomorrow courtesy of Little Village Records.

Magana Releases Teeth LP

Spending the last few years on the road with Mitski and Lady Lamb has clearly helped Jeni Magana find her footing as a songwriter, as Teeth, sounds like a statement of an artist stepping into their own light. The album single, “Break Free,” premiered here on ATH, and I found it an intoxicating number filled with synths that match of with Magana‘s powerful vocals. While that was clearly an upbeat number, there’s such diversity on the whole of Teeth that it feels like Jeni can do no wrong. Take the opening track “Garden,” which feels folk influenced then it pushes right into the bold bravado of “Beside You” in the following tune. “Girl in Chains” definitely has this aura of reclaiming power, perhaps alluding to the theme of Teeth and Jeni Magana claiming this musical space as her own. Stream the entirety of the LP below, courtesy of Audio Antihero.

Friday Album Streams: Flight Mode, True Green + More

There’s no reason for me to dive right into a bunch self-indulgent poetics about today. You all know that it’s Bandcamp Friday, and you know your job as a music fan is to support the cause. You can certainly support our label, who just released a new EP from Fantastic Purple Spots; we’ve got tons of discounted releases HERE. But, we also want to rep some other great hits, so look below to find what you need.

Flight ModeThe Three Times (Tine Engines)

TV Star & Spiral XPTVXP

True GreenMy Lost Decade (Spacecase Records)

FuvkSay What You Like


Stream Fantastic Purple Spots New Vibrations Now EP

It’s Friday, and on Friday, we want to leave you with a great present! That present you ask? Well, it’s the Vibrations Now EP from Austin’s Fantastic Purple Spots! I was introduced to the band a few years ago, and reveled in their blend of lo-fi bedroom recordings and psychedelia. So, when they reached out wondering if they could call ATH Records home for their new EP, I jumped at the chance to work with them. There’s no need to wax poetic, as I feel like this EP speaks for itself. Press play and find out for yourself!

Rock n’ Recipes: Lower Plenty

As you’ve likely seen, I raved and raved all year about the new Lower Plenty album, No Poets. So, we were fortunate enough to catch up with Al Montfort, toss him a few questions, plus get a most excellent Dahl recipe that you can try out on your own time. Take a read, get to know the band, and if you’re super-inclined, be sure to grab No Poets LP from Bedroom Suck Records.

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Stream New Album From Subsonic Eye

As we ease into another long awaited Friday, I suggest you take some time today to enjoy this new album entitled All Around You from the Singapore based outfit Subsonic Eye. Previously we shared with you the banger of a single “J-O-B,” which should’ve offered just a small tease of what was to come for their 10 song LP.  For me, it’s a gem of a collection with an expert portrayal of what indie pop used to represent while still sounding fresh and invigorating.  Please do check this one out.

If you’re feeling these tunes, the band has several physical purchase options over on bandcamp coming to you from the stellar US label Topshelf Records

Album Stream: Adrian Marner’s The College Years

Adrian Marner first popped into my eras when we covered his single “Cracks of Time;” it had the sort of innocence of Elliott Smith, albeit with a bit of a more of a pop sparkle to it. This approach sticks around for the College Years, bringing you bedside as Marner works with heavy strums and a voice that wears a bit of production magic. While standout singles like “The Unsaid Goodbye” and previously mentioned “Cracks of Time” are surefire hits; I’ve found myself gravitating towards “Rock Star Fatigue” and “My Best Friend” as other stopping points for those just popping in for a quick listen. Each song has its own little charms if you dig in, and in the grand scheme, it feels like Marner is setting the scene for what could be a very promising catalog. The College Years is out today courtesy of Zerowell Records.

Stream A New LP From Bedroom Eyes

While you’re looking for more tunes to enjoy this weekend, might I suggest this new, 9 song, full length album from Boston based group Bedroom Eyes. Having honed their craft for over 10 years now, new album Turned Away, shows a band leaning heavily into the noise of shoegaze with driving bass lines and rapidly paced drum beats. This is well worth a weekend listen. If you’re into it, consider a purchase over on bandcamp for either streaming or physical consumption.

Elder Jack Ward – The Storm

Rating: ★★★☆☆

Jesus is coming back soon, and Elder Jack Ward wants to make sure you’re ready. He sure was.

Perhaps he knew his time was coming soon, so it’s no surprise the veteran Memphis gospel-soul singer wanted to use his last breaths to continue spreading the Word through music to anyone with ears to hear. He went to visit the heavenly realms in April, just months before this posthumous album’s release, but if you’re not ready to be converted, this album may not be for you.

Hit the jump for more!

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