
Since you’ve already been introduced to the Dodos in the ACL Spotlight, I won’t waste any time with the bands history. Time to Die is the bands second full length (both released on Frenchkiss Records), and initially it shared a lot of similarities with it’s predecessor, 2008’s Vister, but on repeated listens the familiarity wanes into something completely different.
On their debut the Dodos existed as a two piece and, per my experience, two piece bands tend to have a certain something that sets them apart from larger groups. Some would say it’s sloppiness, and I would I agree that there is a looser sound when it is coming from such a small outfit, but I would also argue that, in a two man band, there exists an earnestness that sometimes eludes bands with 3+ members. When listening to Visiter you are listening to band trying to fill the space with their modest instruments and voices. It was spectacular and exciting.
With Time to Die the Dodos have expanded to a three piece, filling out their sound with an extra percussionist. This extra member doesn’t detract from my enjoyment of the band, but I would be lying if I said it didn’t change the bands sound. Gone is the frenetic pace, guitarist/vocalist, Meric Long and drummer Logan Kroeber are no longer scrambling to fill out the space. They have let themselves relax and in that relaxation came a fuller, more realized sound. On tracks like ‘Small Deaths’, ‘Fables’, and ‘Acorn Factory’ we find a more mature Dodos, content on letting their songs unfold naturally rather than rushing them. ‘Troll Nacht’ showcases the newest member, Keaton Snyder on the xylophone, and is probably one of the most well rounded tracks on Time to Die.
I am excited about what the Dodos will do in the future, and if Time to Die is any indication this is a band we should all be excited about. Check them out at the LiveStrong Stage at ACL on Sunday, October 4th at 12:30 p.m.
[audio: https://austintownhall.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/07-Troll-Nacht-1.mp3]
Download: The Dodos – Troll Nacht [MP3]