Meet The SXSW Band: Eydis Evensen

Somehow we are a very short week, or really less than a week, away from SXSW kicking off and a flood of amazing artists coming into town. This week we are planning to hit you with a whole bunch of amazing previews, interviews and possibly even a playlist. I am excited to kick the week off with another interview from Icelandic artist Eydis Evensen. Being that she is from my second home, this is a true pleasure to share. Hit the jump for everything. Read more

Meet The SXSW Band: Beatenberg

We are in full on SXSW preparation mode at this point ladies and gentlemen! This is officially your last weekend before things really start to go down next week with great tech, education and film things going on around town. Then we go full force into music week right after that. GET READY. Continuing our SXSW interview series today is another one from the lads in Beatenberg. Hit the jump for all the deets.

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Meet the SXSW Band: Dropper

Pushing forward and the SXSW emails are coming in fast and furiously. So, hopefully if you’re in the same boat, you’ll take a little time in your day to rest and and read about Dropper, one of the acts making their way to SXSW this year. They’ll likely be filling thheir set with hits from last year’s Don’t Talk to Me, with hopefully some new tunes in the works as well. The usual set of questions, giving you the chance to know what could be your next favorite band.

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Rock N’ Recipes: Heather Trost

Heather Trost is perhaps best known as one half of Hawk and a Hacksaw, but as we’ve tried to show on this site recently, their new album Desert Flowers has us excited for her solo work. We were fortunate to catch up with Heather, talk about the record, influences and her favorite food memories. Plus, she leaves us with a wonderful recipe for corba, which is a great red lentil soup with Turkish origins. Check out the interview and recipe after the jump!

Buy Desert Flowers HERE via Ba Da Bing.

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Levitation Interviews: Babe Rainbow

“There’s no formula for happiness that’s guaranteed to work”, sings Angus Dowling on the opening line from “Open Up Your Heart,” the latest release from Babe Rainbow. “It all depends on how you treat your friends, and how much you’ve been hurt. But its a start, you open up your heart, and try not to hide what you feel inside.” Throughout the new album, The Organic Band sets a strong tone of acceptance, respect, and speaking truth to love. Gone are the blase, stoner surf-pop days which so often tends to lead to apathy and negative connotations from a judgmental listening community. Babe Rainbow is taking up the reigns to make a statement and cultivate positive energy in all forms. Read more

Levitation Interviews: Imarhan

Things are heating up in the Red River District and beyond this weekend here in Austin with Levitation Festival set to kick off on Thursday night. We’re all staring at the walls at work as we look towards the jam packed festival of musical delights. Of course when we do interviews, we never do just one or two, but like to hit as many bands as possible to give you a truly unique and varied perspective of bands coming into town. Our interview today features Tuareg quintet Imarhan. Hit the jump for interview, set times and music.

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