Meet the SXSW Band: Dropper

Pushing forward and the SXSW emails are coming in fast and furiously. So, hopefully if you’re in the same boat, you’ll take a little time in your day to rest and and read about Dropper, one of the acts making their way to SXSW this year. They’ll likely be filling thheir set with hits from last year’s Don’t Talk to Me, with hopefully some new tunes in the works as well. The usual set of questions, giving you the chance to know what could be your next favorite band.

Whats the name of the band/group? Where are you from?

Dropper from the New York City area.

Describe your groups sound using only adjectives or superlatives.

Authentic, virtuous, and tipsy.

What was your most recent release? Any planned releases for 2023?

Our debut full length album came out a year ago (Feb 2023) and were working on another. Hopefully youll see some singles rollout before the end of 2023 but were already incorporating a few of those tunes into our live set.

Why play SXSW? Whats the draw for the band? What about this festival will bring you to Austin?

Were mostly playing SXSW to connect with our friends and colleagues that dont live in the NYC area. Daniel Gill at Force Field PR is based in LA, along with Zach from Dirt Dog Records, and Shil Patel from Tiger Bomb Promo is based in Austin. For me (Jono) its about seeing all those friends I only see when Im coming through town on other work stuff its between Austin and LA for my second favorite city next to NY.

There are tons of bands coming into town, but if you could create your own perfect festival, who would you have playing? Would it have a sick name? Where would it take place? Feel free to disregard the rules of time and space.

A festival that took place at each of the wonders of the world would be pretty entertaining. It would happen all at the same time with holograms to keep the locations preserved and reanimate the deceased or aged beyond performancevery Futurama of us. The Beatles at Stonehenge, Selena at Golden Gate Bridge, and Tina Turner at Niagara Falls.

What has everyone in the band been listening to, or, what plays in the tour van/car/bus?

Pure Adult, Julia Jacklin, Lil Yachty, Nolan Potters Nightmare Band. The energy rises and falls on long drives but Cheeseburger in Paradise karaoke on FaceTime is a common occurrence.

Obviously you have seen or heard about the issues coming up this year about fair pay for artists at SXSW? Care to offer any insight or comment?

Have for sure seen it and fully support fair pay for artists at SXSW.

Weve been seeing more and more artists get into the food and beverage game, whether its pierogies from Pavement or Deftones beer. If you ever got into the game, what would be your food or beverage and what would it be called?

Big egg on a bagel crew here, however you like it. With or without meat and cheese, we aint judging but we sure do know what thing, we love breakfast. Its a diner and its called Rudys.

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