SXSW Photos – Brian Gray Pt.3

What’s that you say?  How can this be?  We have even MORE photos from our new photographer Brian Gray from SXSW week?  Thats right kids, this guy took a ton of photos all week long and we wanted to share with you just a few more before calling it good.  I mean we really couldn’t resist at least sharing a few photos of Murray Lightburn going crazy on the unknowing crowd in front of him.  Here’s to a job well done Mr. Gray.  Hope you guys have enjoyed his work as much as I have.  Follow the jump for the last bit of SXSW photos.

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SXSW Photos – Brian Gray Pt.1

So we’ve finally wrapped SXSW and everyone is either lying in bed with the worst hangover of their life or back at work in a similar state.  To begin some sort of recap for the week’s events, we will begin with some fancy photos from recent ATH pick-up Brian Gray.  Now Mr. Gray has a lot of photos obviously so we picked just a few of the best ones to share.  Follow the jump for more.

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Fun Fun Fun Fest In Pictures, Pt. 2

Before our Fun Fest weekend began, we here at ATH had a small panic attack when we realized that some of our favorite photographers wouldn’t be shooting for us at the festival.  What is one to do when in such a pickle?  Well we sort of lucked out and happened to meet a friend of a friend who works as a videographer/photographer for a living.  Imagine the luck!  Making this deal even better, our new found photo friend also already had his very own pass for the weekend.  Sometimes things just turn out the way they’re supposed to.  So without further ado, we’d like to introduce Bradley Montesi, newest member of the ATH team.  Below you can check out some of Brad’s fancy work from the Fun Fest weekend.  Follow the jump for more.

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Fun Fun Fun Fest In Pictures, Pt.1

Most of us have fully recovered from Fun Fest by now and are already looking forward to our year end lists and holiday plans.  We here at ATH are also beginning to wrap our Fun Fest posts and wanted to do that by sharing some of our favorite photos from the weekend.  Our first round of photos comes by way of ATH contributer Mairin Heard.  After the jump you can see just a few of her fancy pics from the festival.

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June 6th Whitman Show @ Emo’s Lounge

Have you seen my face?  I think I left it on the floor of Emo’s Lounge on Friday night.  Austin darlings Whitman brought the jams out on Friday night at Emo’s Lounge here in Austin.  Most would think the band would be a bit sloppy having been absent from the stage for around two months but that wasn’t the case on Friday. Read more

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