Best Wishes – A Shortcut To I Was a King

It seems like as long as we’ve been running this site we’ve been covering the work of I Was a King, and for those that weren’t there along the way, they’ve announced a compilation that’s the perfect introductory collection for those that haven’t quite whet their power-pop whistle with these greats. The band have worked with legends like Robyn Hitchcock, Sufjan Stevens and Norman Blake…to name a few. For me, the fascination has always been the gentle roll of Frode’s voice; there’s this intimacy that’s met by a certain almost pastoral nature, almost as if its a sort of wisened sage whispering to you. Honestly, if you ever wished to be transported to a place of happiness, “Lighthouse” is a great place to being; you can find it on the group’s Slow Century LP too. Once you’ve dipped your toes into the storied history of this great act, be sure to order a copy of Best Wishes – A Shortcut to I Was a King…dropping on March 7th.

Mythical Motors Announce Travelogues and Movie Stills

Matt Addison and company, aka Mythical Motors, never seem to waste any time; they just happened to sprinkle a few records out last year, and now we’re anticipating a solid new collection this Spring. It only takes two seconds for the swing of this track to immediately drop right into your lap, hitting you with these muted jangles; they have a sharpness but cling to their melodic center. For me, it’s the earnestness of the vocals throughout the chorus that’s absolutely charming; they have this feathered lightness, but still feel like they’re punching through the roof…save the moments when they’re pulled back to mix in swirls of warmth. And, for as many times as I have listened and heard the familiarity, there are little interchanges in the song that completely change the direction, so each corner turned feels like a breath of fresh air. Travelogues and Movie Stills will be out via Repeating Cloud on April 18th.

The High Water Marks Return with YFF

The High Water Marks are one of my absolutely favorite bands from the last few years; their last LP, Your Next Wolf, was probably one of the greatest pieces of power pop we’ve heard in years. Now, they’re back with a fresh single to honor the election cycle, taking aim at fascism and all those who’ve encouraged it’s rebirth into the mainstream consciousness. While it’s such an incredibly important topic, there’s still much charm to this track that it’s hard to ignore their graceful approach to the subject, making you melt with melody like nothing else you’ve heard this week. Maybe not Beyonce, but a great political piece you can crank up real loud.

Supercrush Share Lost My Head for KR Records Comp

I love a good compilation, particularly when it captures a music scene as a snapshot; it’s always fun to go back and see what was cool or who made it out alive. Today, KR Records announces From Far It All Seems Small, a compilation covering the music scene of Seattle in the year of 2024; it features acts like Spiral XP, Shook Ones, Sun Spots…and Supercrush. This tune from Supercrush rips, but I won’t deny that it immediately made me think of the very first LP from the Rentals; it’s got that combination of moog work and power-pop, and I couldn’t be more stoked. From Far It All Seems Small will be out on May 24th, so keep your ears out!

Laughing Announce Because It’s True

If you’re not ready to enjoy some of the best power-pop around, then you may as well skip onto the next track, as this fresh Laughing tune is just too tasty. At first listen, you might hear a bit of a nod to Teenage Fanclub, and there’s nothing wrong with that, though the band settle into a little bit more casual and direct spin, harkening to the left-of-the-dial hits of late 90s college rock. The musicianship is pretty stellar when you pull your ears really close to the noise, with overlapping guitar lines swinging the listener back and forth like a great pop rock lullaby. Feels a bit like a house party thrown by members of Ash, Superdrag and Teenage Fanclub, and there’s not a single person who isn’t wearing a big old-fashioned shit-eating grin on their face. Because It’s True is out June 28th via Celluloid Lunch/Meritorio Records.

Gentleman Jesse Preps 7″ for Drunk Dial Records

Drunk Dial Records is an interesting concept; the label encourages bands to get together for a 24 hour drinking session, record a new tune and then rip a solid cover. The spontaneity and inebriation always land on interesting results, and we’re stoked to hear that ATH fave Gentleman Jesse is on board with a new 7″ dropping this week. If you’ve been following Jesse Smith’s trajectory over the last several decades, the power-pop enthusiasm should come as no surprise here. But, for me, it’s the breakdown, perhaps booze-infused jamming, where I begin to grin, as Smith stretches the tune into some darkened regions that he pulls off perfectly, right before jetting right back into a perfect howling close that would make Bolan proud. Then the trio switch into a swaying power-stance version of Mark Morrison‘s “Return of the Mack.” If you weren’t familiar with the tune, such as this 90s nerd, you might not even know its a cover, as they take it to an entirely different place. You can grab the 7″ HERE.

An Overnight Low Share Step Into the Light

The pop hits are out in full force today, that’s for sure. Maine’s An Overnight Low might have quietly sent us the nicest surprise in our pop gift bag though. They’re new EP dropped today, and the title track is a nice power-pop number to introduce you to what’s in store. Heavy riffs ring melodically, matched by vocal harmonizing, feeling like an added instrument in its own right. Honestly, this track wouldn’t be out of place on a Teenage Fanclub LP, as its got just enough stomp to keep rock fans, though definitely leaning into the group’s pop inclinations. If you’re willing to take a risk on something new, give the band’s Step Into the Light EP a listen! All of this is a tease from Holyhead, the record that we’ll tell you more about when we’re in the know!


Stream EP from the Goods

It seems like everywhere you go nowadays, things are hot and only getting hotter. But, you can always hop in (or on) your ride and roll those windows down to catch a breeze. If you need the soundtrack for that though, you’d better turn on EP from the Goods. It’s a four song collection of huge riffs and sunshine filled melodies that will certainly make flying through the summertime a little bit more enjoyable. Rob Good’s playing definitely brings about those bright bits, but Paul Wiseman’s drum work through the EP gives a strong punch of energy to go along with the anthemic nature of what’s at play. Feel good summer fun can be had if you press play below. EP available now courtesy of Dandy Boy Records.

Tough Age Wonder Which Way Am I?

Tough Age are not wasting their time, or your time, with their latest single; the song drops its hook into your ear instantly, letting the riffs cut right through from the moment you press play. As they’ve done in past singles, they let you get swept up in the polished cool of the vocals, with syllables stretched out to maximize the emotive nature of the melody. The chugging jangles have smoothed out edges, giving it a less angular nature, so the track gets to embrace the pop corners that are present. But, just as you’re vibing, the song wraps up. It’s the perfect little sample of great power pop, all of which you’ll find on the band’s new LP, Waiting Here, out June 16th via Bobo Integral.

Shrapnel Share Catch You Out; Ready New LP

Having already covered Mope City this week, it only makes sense that I include another project featuring members: the much loved, Shrapnel. The last time we heard from them was when they dropped Alasitas back in 2021, but it sounds like they’ve got another LP ready to go later this year. “Catch You Out” drops in with this heavy rock riff, working in some of that glam-psychedelia stomping; it soon fades away to allow this steadied cool, something that sounds like it would have come from a post-Elephant 6 act. Sure, there’s an assertive bravado to the way the riffs ring out, but even as they’re reverberating around my room, I can’t help but harp on the natural charm, calling to mind heavy guitar poppers like TFC and the like. I’ll keep you posted as I hear more about their new LP!

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