Blast Some Falling Stacks

stacksonstacksI’m feeling a little antsy and a little angsty, so this new album from Falling Stacks is the perfect place to find myself today.  The UK act seems to draw from all my favorite acts of days gone past, hitting vocal marks a la Dead Kennedys or stuttering discordant guitar licks a la Fugazi.  All that being said, No Wives, is not for the weak of heart; you’ll find a this underlying tension that has you on edge as the group knifes their way through the entire LP.  The album is out now via Battle Worldwide Recordings.

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Indiepop Delight from Seabirds

burdsThis song couldn’t have come at a better time; it’s been a frustrating week with our server being down and lost data and what not.  So, the perfect indiepop song is always going to make life grand, thus one of the many reasons I love this Seabirds tune.  From the excellent guitar work, including the casual solo in the middle of the tune, to the perfect melodic vocal touch, it just makes you feel warm all over, and I won’t complain about that. The band have just finished their debut Meet Me in the Silence, which is slated for a July release via the great people at Matinee Recordings. Make your day better and listen to this song.

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Even More From Beach Baby

Untitled-1Nathan and Nicole have both already posted about up and coming UK band Beach Baby so I figured I better get on this cool kid train before it passes me by.  I’m winning between the three of us though because I’m getting to post what is, in my opinion, the best track of the lot entitled “No Mind No Money”.  From when we first heard the band back in February, I’m seeing an impressive progression here with more grit, power, and energy behind the already beautiful pop sound.  I expect these guys to be blowing up stateside real soon.

Beach Baby’s latest 7″ single with B-side “U R” is available for pre-order right now via B3SCI Records (out June 23rd).

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More From Beach Baby


Earlier this year, Nathan introduced you to UK outfit Beach Baby, and gave you a slice of their delightful dream pop with “Ladybird.” Today, I’m happy to give you some more of that pop with “Bruise,” a b-side of that aforementioned song that’s just as enticing, but in a completely different way. This track is filled with groovy guitar licks that swirl around the track, while the vocals remind me somewhat of Hamilton Leithauser with a hint more whimsy that suits the sultry guitars and subtle synths. If Beach Baby hadn’t already made your radar, “Bruise” should change that rather quickly; I’ll be jamming this track all day.

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Indiepop Delights from The Tamborines

tamboIf I were going to pick a track that I’d absorb more than any other in this short week, it would have to be this track from The Tamborines.  The track I’ve got below is actually an old track, but it’s fairly new to me, so I felt like I had to toss it up.  Plus, the band are readying the release of their new album, Sea of Murmur, so seems fitting.  This tune is more of the straight indiepop style, though the band also branch out into a realm of shoe gaze often too; I’ll be interested to hear what all the new record has to offer. Kick back and enjoy the hell out of this tune.




More Great Tunes from Life in Film

10603538_10153070972063188_5939566581358695693_nUK boys Life in Film gave us news last month that they were planning on a new album this spring that is sure to swoon our ears.  Today I’m pumped to be sharing with you another new track from the upcoming album called “It’s What Happens Next that Matters Most”.  It’s just a bit slower than the upbeat pop the band has given us in the past, but it picks up and turns into a nice little jangly number about half way through.  Enjoy.

Debut album Here it Comes is due out sometime this spring on +1 Records.

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Check Out Spring King (SXSW Act)

springI was just talking about the search for rad bands I hadn’t had a chance to even really check out when I stumbled upon Spring King.  The UK pop group have this strong sense of pop traditionalism, though they juxtapose that with some rougher edges, building their tunes with driving guitar rhythms to hook listeners.  They just released this single this week, so if you’re looking for a bit of discovery, or just a rad hit to work into your daily listening rotation, then go with these lads.

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Dreamy Pop from Beach Baby

beachbaby-SONG_ARTThis tune flew into my inbox yesterday and definitely added a dosage of chilling out that I greatly needed.  It’s the work of Beach Baby, a recently new arrival on the UK scene.  Their music lives somewhere in that spectrum between bedroom dream pop and indiepop goodness; there are soft vocals in a relaxed presentation.  That being said, I definitely see some room for the band to unleash a bit of live fury, should they choose to do so.  Look for their single to get more love as the band moves forward, with the single slated for a March release date.

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Yak Give us Something Special

unnamedI know very little about London based rockers Yak, but this matters little when a band can pump out a debut single as memorable as this one.  Is it psych rock?  Is it punk rock?  I’ll let you call it whatever you like if you just hit play and enjoy.  I’m sure we will be hearing more from this trio as the buzz grows.

This track will appear on a new 7″ single coming out on February 24th via Fat Possum.

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Get a LIFE

LIFEOkay. I really meant to throw the word digital single in there; I promise.  LIFE is a UK act that’s bracing for their invasion of the US, this week releasing their first single Stateside this week.  I’m going to post both the songs from the single, as I think they embrace two sides of a young band.  One, offers an up beat number that recalls that one good song from The Vaccines; it’s immediately catchy with a huge sound for pop fans.  The flip side of the coin is a grittier track that has more of a guitar pop feel; it’s probably more ambitious in construction than the other tune, so it’s my pick of the two, though I’m enjoying both.  Get ready to get a LIFE.

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