Welcome Home Monk Parker

d6c9f0de-991e-448a-8ece-723319c91707Many locals around these parts venture off to greener pastures at some point in their career and Monk Parker is no different.  Having moved off to NYC a while back with his band The Low Lows, Parker is back home here in Austin after his band’s breakup.  From the ashes of his now defunct band, comes an entire LP of solo material recorded at his family farm just outside of ATX.  As a preview of the upcoming album, new single “Sadly Yes” has just been released.  To me, it’s in the vein of alt country, similar to fellow locals like Will Johnson as a solo musician or with his projectSouth San Gabriel.  Very majestic and beautiful.  Welcome back.

New album, How the Spark Loves the Tinder, is due out on August 28th via Bronze Rat.

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