ATH Records Back to School Bash w/ 101X Homegrown

backtoschoolSaturday night folks! There’s only one place you should be come the end of the night (after you attend the PRIDE parade, of course): Barracuda for our Back to School Bash. Our label is about to celebrate it’s 10th official release with Mean Jolene…but ATH is also a home to teachers, so we wanted to celebrate back to school! What better way than to bring out the bands on our label and throw a big party with our friends from 101x Homegrown, who’ve graciously supported the label since its inception. You’ll have 8 bands, 2 stages, so please come celebrate with us. The night will include sets from Pollen Rx, Mean Jolene, Rose Selavy, Plantation Band, Young Girls, Basketball Shorts, Summer Salt and Shivery Shakes. If you’re not in town, be sure to check out our little stable of great Austin acts HERE. And stream the latest label hit from MJ below.

Doors are at 9 PM and it’s a measly $5. I’ll be on hand to sell you stuff.

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