Talkies Have a New LP and a Tour

Talkies have changed up the line-up slightly since their 2016 effort, Bright/Sunny, but one thing that always remains in the work of Ray Seraphin is his knack for crafting infectious melodies throughout. Our first listen to new work has a bit of a poppy fuzz to it; a natural throbbing bounce kicks the pace, with a guitar knifing it’s way into the mix from the background. Sort of reminds me of this band the Comas, or maybe a more rock-influenced version of Grandaddy…it’s fuzzy, but centered around Ray’s uncanny ability to incorporate a hook. Everything we’ve heard from the new LP shows a lot of maturity and polish, leading us to believe that Kowtow‘s going to be a must have album. The group drop the album on July 13th with a wild show at Barracuda that includes Sweet Spirit, Mean Jolene and the Donkeys…they’ll spend the rest of the month traveling out West. Yippee Ki Yay and Electrify Me Records will be handling the distribution of said record…so get your wallets ready. Keep an eye HERE for all the tour dates.

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