WUT Share Title Track from Mingling with the Thorns
It’s been a great week for the Pacific Northwest indiepop scene, with the Softies announcing their return. But, you can look to another great pop act, WUT, if you’re willing to double-down on candy earworms; I mean, there’s some pop cross-pollination if you’re reading your line notes. Alas, the song itself definitely wears the style of the PNW (in my mind anyways); it almost feels like the spirit of Calvin Johnson just bled into the songwriting process for this one, long ago during some Indian Summer. While the rhythmic rumbled works its cathartic magic, the sharpness of the vocals during the verses shines like the sun through the windows, illuminating your listening room…the chorus group vocal and bobbing bass is perfect. Look for Mingling with the Thorns to drop on August 18th via HHBTM.