Sinai Vessel Shares Laughing Single

This summer’s all about sharing time with friends, relaxing in lawn chairs with great tunes pumping from the stereo, and your playlist should include this new track from Asheville’s Sinai Vessel. When listening through this single, you’ll be drawn to Caleb Cordes voice, like a firefly to the light, pulling you in with its intimacy; I think of John K. Samson or Davey von Bohlen, particularly when the high notes are hit. The song snakes its way around Cordes, with accompaniment lifting the tune’s spirit, though careful to not overshadow his voice; that guitar sliding in the distance is the perfect moment to rock back in your chair and gaze into the Summer night. The band release their new record, I Sing, on July 26th via Keeled Scales, followed by a huge US tour in August/September.

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