Pecan Street Musings

Pecan Street 29The lineup for Pecan Street Festival was quite ATH friendly. Given that two of the wife’s favorite Austin acts, Night Drive and Knifight, were scheduled for set times that book-ended the dinner hour a couple blocks from Parkside, we figured we would take in all that Sixth could offer before it got dirteh.

Thoughts, pics, etc.

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ATX Spotlight: Square Paradise

0006747488_10Austinites who pay attention to the local music scene will definitely recognize the name John Hetherington and his work with Austin band Knifight. Well maybe you don’t all know his name, but you’ve certainly heard of the band right? Right!? #supportlocalbands

Brand new act, Square Paradise, is John’s new project completely solo and away from his previously mentioned group. John tells me that he plans on releasing at least one new song a month “for the foreseeable future” as he records more and more music by himself in his home studio. Today you can find what is sure to be the first of many new singles below called “Ten Numbers”. This is pop music at its finest folks. I’m really looking forward to what else John has in store.

Show Pics: A Cure Tribute @ Cheer Up Charlies (3/4)

Cure TributeIt was a busy weekend. There was a race going on out at COTA, there was house prep for the long run into downtown known as SxSW, a friend’s birthday and this little show that friends put together where several of my favorite local bands were covering Cure songs to benefit The Teenage Cancer Trust. Among participants, we get Bali Yaaah, Modern Medicine, Knifight with half of Night Drive, Moving Panoramas and many more…

Click through for a few thoughts on best-of performances and plenty of pics to see what you missed or relive a great night.

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Show Pics: Free Week 2016 Pt. 2

The MohawkI decided for the next evening of Free Week silliness, I would start at The Mohawk and make my way to Sidewinder. Free Week venues where met with capacity attendance and lines waiting for one-in-one-out to give access.


Bands I caught this time around – A. Sinclair, Ben Ballinger, Sweet Spirit, Abram Shook, Stiletto Heels, Knifight, Orthy and Sounds Del Mar. Click through for shens.

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ACL 2015 WE2 In Pictures: Sunday Edition

HozierMy have a nice weekend post this week is the final edition of ACL 2015 pics. Sunday Funday…

It was a pretty busy day and though it got off to a slow start, things escalated quickly with a personal highlight from Strand of Oaks. Knifight was a solid local start and Beat Connection was sexually objectified while playing their smooth new jams. Amason seemed hungover. Sheppard proves that Aussie pop music is based on 80’s movie montages in the best way possible. Lord Huron was nice in the crowd. Strand of Oaks is rock and roll. The Decemberists played a mostly different set. Kurt Vile was maybe a little too high? Is that possible? Alt-J was kinda boring, but photogenic at the same time. I had a heat check on Hozier, big humble, genuine smile from a guy that has talent to overcome an annoying hit song. Florence & The Machine was pretty and had mental fans in a completely different demographic from last Sunday’s headliner.

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Show Pics: Knifight Release Party @ Cheer Up’s (2/6)

Upload Knifight Release 04We are championing the locals. One of the bands we love is Knifight and while we sometimes think a few locals play too many shows, we cannot accuse Knifight of over-saturation. When we get a chance, we usually take it. Gothy, gazy, noisy, wavey, industrial and bad-ass, the band has a new album out, seven tracks that are given space to breathe progress.

To celebrate the album, Cheer Up hosted a show with GOST and ATH faves Night Drive to dance in the night. Head past the break and get a few thoughts and the usual batch of pics.

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ATX Weekend Show Spotlight

austiniloveyouI’ve already tossed a nod towards Knifight playing over at Cheer Up Charlies tonight, but there’s definitely some other shows that should pop up on your local Austin show radar.  There’s actually a lot going on on Friday, but I’m going to highlight the places you should probably end up…then I’ll take a quick look at Saturday’s events too.  These are just one man’s recommendations.  Read more

ATX Spotlight: Stream the New Knifight Album (+Album Release Gig)

KnifightSometimes I get mad at Austin’s Knifight.  I feel like they don’t give us enough shows to display their prowess; I’m not mad really, I just want to see them more often.  Perhaps that will change now that they’re releasing their newest effort, V.  You’ll still hear the band’s signature affinity for electronic touches, but I think there’s a huge leap in the overall construction of the tracks on this release.  They sound more mature, and the finer details have been given great care, making the group’s sound more well-rounded; it’s a lot more dense,in that great musical way (not like you Aunt’s pound cake). A powerful album to go with their dominating live shows should make these guys stick out in Austin in 2015.  Check em at Cheer Up Charlies tonight for their album release.

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Show Pics: Duran Duran @ ACL Live (11/1)

Duran DuranIt was Formula One weekend in Austin. If you are oblivious, F1 is the biggest thing to hit Austin from a worldwide awareness perspective, ever. People from everywhere know that Austin is Live Music Capital of the World and has the best BBQ, period.

One other thing F1 brings is a few added festival type events, we’ll get into Fan Fest in a later post, but a special event like Duran Duran at ACL Live? I gotta go. I have proclaimed my love of DD before when they came for SxSW a few years back. They have influenced so many of the current crop of indie/pop/dance acts out there, no doubt. Throw in getting to see local boys Knifight open was an added treat.

Click through for pics and more thoughts on the evening from me and +1.

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