Ticket Giveaway: Win Tickets to The Soft Moon (1.22)

softmoonFriday night one of our favorite bands will be gracing the stage for a nice set, and I couldn’t think of a better sound system to handle the wall of beautiful noise that The Soft Moon will bring to the table. The band, primarily the project o Luis Vasquez has been carrying a blend of noise, electronica and industrial pop for some time now, and he’s captivated us through several albums on Captured Tracks…and a nice set at Levitation/Psych Fest. Joining him on the stage that night will be Austin act, VIDEO, as well as Autlier. If you want a pair of tickets for free, leave a comment…pick a number between 1-1000. We’ll contact the winner after NOON on Thursday when the contest comes to a close!

You can also go the other route, and buy tickets from The Parish HERE.

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FFF Fest Artist Spotlight: Parquet Courts

10599702_307123006145061_6453325887410383768_nY’all, we are a mere few days away from a holy weekend at Auditorium Shores, which means you should be getting very excited for Fun Fun Fun Fest 2015. Today’s preview features a staple of the lo-fi jangle scene, and surely a band that will make your festival a bit brighter: Parquet Courts. After a few albums, years of building up a live show reputation, and even alternate universe versions of their band (see Parkay Quarts), the band has brought a punk flair to the lo-fi scene, and we love them for it. Take a listen to an older single from the band below, reminisce and get stoked to see them at the fest. Catch them on the Black Stage on Friday at 3:45 or at The Parish at 11:30 on Sunday.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/72314498″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]



Show Review: Springtime Carnivore/The Dodos @ The Parish (02.18)

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What’s better than a great show in the middle of the workweek to get you through to the weekend? Nothing. Wednesday night’s lineup had me geared up for a high-energy evening of sunny dream pop and rambunctious percussive pop music. Both bands did not fail to bring a large supply of that energy and each doled it out in very different directions. Read about the refreshing evening after the jump and see some HQ super wonderful iPhone shots from yours truly.

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Show Preview: The Dodos/Springtime Carnivore (02.18)


Date 02.18
Location The Parish
Doors 9:00pm
Tickets 15$ Here

Now this is a show I am super excited for as both of these bands are on the heels of releasing killer albums, so you really can’t afford to miss out on this night of music. Up first will be Springtime Carnivore, the psychedelic pop project of Greta Morgan, whose debut album is filled with classic pop hooks and effortlessly reverb soaked vocals that will set your feet to dancing and your head bobbing in approval. If you’re having doubts check out “Name on a Matchbook” below and get hooked.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/162728350″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

And of course, who can forget the main act of the night, The Dodos, whose recent fifth studio LP felt like a trip back to their high energy sound. They’ll surely bring a setlist of new and old tracks, both of which are bound to delight. If you haven’t already, listen to “Competition,” so you’ll be refreshed and reminded of how infectiously good these guys are at making rustic pop music.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/175335454″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]


A Night Out: Citadel, Deep Cuts, Shivery Shakes (1/29)

A Night Out Citadel Deep Shakes 43I love the fact that we can just head out any night in this town and find not one good local show, but several. had a new lens to play around with so it seemed the perfect excuse to head out. Out I went last Thursday night and I got to check out Citadel‘s second show ever, Deep Cuts in town from Houston and our ATH faves Shivery Shakes.

I will take you through the night with a few notes and plenty of pics right after the break…

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Show Review: The Drums @ The Parish 10/19


This weekend in Austin lived up to its title of “live music capital of the world” to the extreme; each night we were given not just a taste of sweet jams, but whole menus to choose from. Sunday night at The Parish had New York’s The Drums on their last U.S tour stop, providing us with a night filled with dancing and singing along to the band’s hits, new and old. Brooklyn’s Beverly served as the openers for the evening, offering up their jangly no-nonsense rock to amp up the crowd. Read more about how the night unfolded after the jump.

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Sat/Sun Austin Weekend Show Spotlight

austinAs I said yesterday, there’s tons of places you can find yourself this weekend for a good old fashioned music concert.  But, maybe you need a suggestion or two as to where you wanna go? Well, I’m here to point you in the right direction, based on my extremely biased opinion.  Feel free to ignore these options, or play everyone’s favorite game of Where’s Norman Wanklord? Here’s the list. Read more

Show Preview: Perfume Genius @ the Parish (10.14)


Date Tuesday, October 14th
Location The Parish
Doors 7:00 PM
Tickets $15 from the Parish

I know every one is milling about trying to get their hands on those Widespread Panic tickets, but if you didn’t luck out there, you’ve got a better option waiting in the wings.  Perfume Genius will be bringing his intimate sounds to the perfect setting: the Parish stage.  Now, while his early work was quite solemn and based around piano ballads, his newest album, Too Bright, offers a broader spectrum of sounds.  There’s still this brilliantly personal approach to the songwriting, but the sound has blossomed into a huge pop opus.  Those not in attendance will regret their choice, as this will clearly be the rage at the office water cooler on Wednesday morning. Matteah Baim will be opening the evening up.


Download: Perfume Genius – All Waters [MP3]

Show Review: Bear In Heaven @ The Parish (8/29)

Bear In HeavenI anticipated this show not just because Bear In Heaven has never failed to impress, but also because the openers showed so much promise. I was only disappointed in one thing; Austin. Yes you, Austin. Would you please start supporting the openers? Less pre-drink, more music. You paid for that ticket, get your dollar’s worth. Check what time doors are and show up to support the bands and the venues. BiN made two incredibly solid picks for the road this time around in Weeknight and Young Magic and if you missed them, it is your own damn fault. #rant

So there you go. The best show review I have ever done? Maybe.

OK, just a few more notes after the break. …and pics. Lot of them.

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Show Preview: Bear In Heaven @ The Parish (8/28)

Bear In Heaven

Location:   The Parish
Doors: 8:00 PM
Tickets: $16

Yes, there are other shows going on tonight. I am most excited about this Bear In Heaven show at The Parish tonight. Not just because I love the new tracks from BiH, but the opening acts are real head turners.

Since this show hit my radar, I have been a little obsessed with Weeknight. Dark, smoky, synth-heavy and moody – some tracks have southern rock cadence to the vocal, perhaps a hit a gospel. Andy Simmons and Holly MacGibbon spend most of their time harmonizing. It isn’t give and take, it is give and give. Beautiful flourishes, simple constructs enhanced by clever waveforms. Heavy guitar riffs complete the formula and lends gothy noise.

I last saw Young Magic with Purity Ring. I expect more of the same gazy-poppy goodness, but the new tracks are fuller, more complex if you ask me.

And finally, we have our headliners. Dear jeebus, I love the track “Autumn”. This is going to be one helluva show. I made you a playlist.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/48655348″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

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