Free Week Show @ Holy Mountain (1.5) – Jonly Bonly

FREEWEEK2015_JAN05_HOLYMOUNTAINFree Week is here, and that means I should prepare you for the great show we’re putting on at Holy Mountain on Monday, January 5th. We’ve got Slow, Jonly Bonly, Shivery Shakes, Grape St. and also Young Girls. I’m going to toss out a little love to each band every day before the show, in hopes you’ll come join us. Also, don’t forget that our show is also a celebration bash for Pooneh Ghana, local photographer extraordinaire. Don’t forget to buy tons of records and t-shirts to make this worth it for all the bands. So, here’s a bit on Jonly Bonly.Jonly Bonly is the new outlet for former OBN IIIs guitarist Jason Smith; he’s enlisted his friend Stephen Svacina from Sweet Talk and their new drummer to round out one of my favorite groups in Austin.  This past year they released Put Together, which was not only one of my favorite albums out of Austin, but one of my favorite LPs, period.  It blends influences from bands like Wire and the Jam, but rolls them up in a fashion that only a guitarist like Smith would be able to pull off. If you’re not planning on making it to the show, then you can pick it up from 12xu…this is a must have record for those of you that love old fashioned rock n’ roll.

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