Flowertown Announce Half Yesterday

I know Steve Albini winning a WSP bracelet is big news…but what’s even bigger is that there’s a new Flowertown LP on the way. Just listening to these two tracks, we’re reminded of the band’s approach to simplicity at pop’s finest. I mean, listening to the first of the two tracks from their forthcoming LP (you can find a VIDEO HERE), it just comes across with a steady strum hitting the right notes, albeit in understated fashion, allowing the melody to wash over your feet as you stand upon the shore gazing at your future. When Karina and Mike trade verses in the second tune, you can feel the intimacy of pop music drawing you into the quiet space where the two record, just the three of you, marveling at music’s moving moments. Half Yesterday is out on July 8th via Paisley Shirt Records and Mt. St. Mtn.

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