Being Dead Announce Eels

When Horses Would Run hasn’t even been out one year, yet Being Dead is ready to return with a brand new batch of tunes to bang out across America. Having watched the band for years (and maybe putting out a 7″), the first 45 seconds or so completely encapsulates why they’re so endearing; they pummel your ears with these huge riffs, yet while you rock, you’re completely caught off-guard by their ability to seamlessly blend in hook after hook after hook…just listen to the directional change at 52 second mark. They continue with their non-linear songwriting, moving in a more melodic folk group direction around the 1:02 mark, before soaring through those distorted metal riffs as cymbals shatter in the distance. It all melds into this slow draw that closes, giving the listener a moment to absorb and reflect. But, if you’re catching them live, as you’ll be able to this Fall, they won’t give you that rest, as they’ll be bounding off into another song before you can catch your breath. Look for Eels via Bayonet on September 27th.

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