Feeling Figures Announces New Album

If you were living under a rock, or not reading ATH, you might have unfortunately missed Feeling Figures marvelous Migration Magic LP (we tried to warn you!). But, you can do yourself an immediate favor and enjoy the Montreal outfits newest single from their sophomore LP, Everything Around You. Their ability to allow their influences to cohabitate within the confines of one track is what puts them on the pedestal, waiting to be knocked off by challengers; this tune has this bewitching pop brood to it, smashed against a wall of distortion and devil-may-care rock n’ roll moments. I loved when the 46 second mark hits and there’s this distortion wall, punctuated by joint vocal harmonies that illustrate the band’s ability to control every nuance in their craft. Everything Around You is a must have; it drops on September 27th via K Records/Perennial Death.

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