Transy Warhol Share Deceiver, Baby Single
Be it Big Boys or the Dicks or Big Bill, Austin has had its share of jittering punk rock acts through the last several decades, but its time for Transy Warhol to assume their rightful spot on the throne this year. Their latest single has those jagged guitar chops, knifing their way right through your speakers, wiggling and squirming into your inner ear. Meanwhile, Ruby del Mar emphatically growls through the microphone, flirting with the band’s more dangerous side; it’s a great counterpoint to the rhythm section, working with the guitars to add a little bit of pogoing punk rock to the sand. At times you’ll hear the frantic angularity, other times the song embodies more primal tendencies…so you get a little bit of everything in their sound. The group are set to release Control on April 28th!