Bendrix Littleton Shares Final Single from Deep Dark South

Former Bent Denim member Bennett Littlejohn is giving us something really special with his project Bendrix Littleton; the latest single feels like it hits on a personal note, as I’m sure it will for so many out there. I first fell into the song because of its intimate nature, with vocals working softly atop ornate picking; you can also begin to pick up a slight atmospheric buzz in the distance from some keys. That buzz begins to bloom into something more organic and other-worldly at the 2.5 minute mark, kind of quietly rattling your speakers with various textures thrown atop one another. Walking away, I definitely know I’ll take the line “I can’t sit still anymore, don’t feel fulfilled;” feels like the last 6 months of all our lives…or maybe that’s just me. Really looking forward to Deep Dark South; it’s out on September 25th via NNA Tapes.

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