Batty Jr Share Table is Gone II

As we ride into the middle of the week, I wanted to be sure to kick in with a little bit of a midweek ditty, brought to you by Austin’s own Batty Jr. here. On the horizon, the band have DO A U E, their latest LP, but for now, let’s rejoice in this meditative bit of cool folk pop. You can’t pull away from the natural groove presented, with that rhythmic pulse pushing things up and down and back again. A dual vocal performance ties into the folk heritage, but I love how the song still feels charming in the most playful sense, like we’re being let in on some little secret that makes us all smile. But, while there’s definitely a band brandishing the joyousness of their craft, there’s also some serious musical chops, so be sure you stick through to hear the strings and a little boogie woogie guitar take you to the close!

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